The Problem:
I’ve got a belly covered with nerves: raw, mean ones that tighten around my innards like a piano-wire ligature.
The smallest things - mere dietary minutiae that would normally pass through the body’s defenses – can REALLY unhinge my gastric balance. Now, I’ve already considered a half-dozen or so possible culprits – from lactose, to Celiac’s, to caffeine sensitivity – but not a single one of these diagnoses has given me the closure that my poor, long-sufferin’ belly-pouch DEMANDS! Call it a process of constant disappointment: jettison the lactose, shun that pollutin’ gluten, refrain from coffee and soda-pop. And still…STILL…my tummy is a biological combat zone. I suppose I’m luckier than some, considering the abundance of other shameful disorders of the viscera. For starters, there’s the prolapsed anus -known in some bawdy circles as “The Pink Sock” or “Rocky Mountain Bubblegum Tail”. Equally unnerving is the leper’s touch of fecal incontinence.
My Theory:
You see, years of living and dining in the American Southeast can fortify one’s gastrointestinal plumbing to point where you’re able to eat anything and still shit like a normally functioning person: hushpuppies, pork barbeque, pickled pig’s feet, enriched uranium It’s a cumulative effect…a tolerance for fried, high-fat cuisine. But move that calorie-crammin’ hillbilly ass to another region of the U.S. for a few years, and you can watch your Dixie-Tough tummy turn into the proverbial chess-club nerd. That’s right! That tolerance for fried garbage will say “Adios, Senor!”, and so will your life-style of gravy-soaked, gluttonous chow-hogging. It’s a wonder I’ve stayed thin all these years.
This site will make you swear off food. . .a good way to give your gut a rest.
That's what you get for moving north, friend.
Don't you guys at least have a Churches Chicken up there? Can't you shop the internet for grits and douse them with cheese and butter and make it all better?
Good luck!
Nary a Churches, Bojangles, Cracker Barrel or Waffle House in Southeast Connecticut. Folks up here eat a ton of clam chowder. I can't bear to touch the stuff - looks like chunky jism.
It's really too bad you lack a Waffle House. It's not the best food in the world, but as far as a diner that is consistently solid? Not bad at all.
I love cooking and generally dislike eating out. The reasoning being the stuff you get out often is not as fresh, has many more preservatives, and costs too much being some. You may find relief in making your own food and finding something more amenable to your stomach.
Or take the Pepcid stuff. That works too.
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